verse twenty six Luke is careful to point out that it was in the
sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy that “the angel Gabriel was
sent from God” to Nazareth. Luke wants his readers to know
that the events he is about to share were prompted by God Himself.
is sent to speak to a virgin, engaged to a man by the name of Joseph.
Luke again shares some Jewish genealogy when he writes, “Joseph
of the house of David”. This
is significant because of, what was told to King David by Nathan the
Samuel 7:5-17. This is a Messianic prophecy concerning Jesus. So,
when Luke makes mention of Joseph's ancestry it is for good reason.
He is letting the reader know that the birth of Jesus is going to be
prophecy fulfilled.
28-33 recounts the proclamation of Gabriel to Mary, where Gabriel
tells her she will have a son and what he will be named. Luke quotes
Gabriel as he tells Mary, that prophecy will be fulfilled in the
statement he makes in verses 32-33. Gabriel says that Jesus will
receive “the throne of his father David”ESV
and that His kingdom will be eternal. So, Joseph's ancestry is very
significant isn't it? Even though Joseph will not be the biological
father of Jesus, Jesus will be born into the line of David. (we'll look
at this more in later comments)
reaction is one of questioning, not a lack of faith, like we saw with
Zechariah. She simply asks “how
will this be, since I am a virgin?”ESV
The angel answers her question in verses 35-37. "The
Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will
overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called
holy--the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old
age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her
who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God."
Did you
notice Gabriel throws in the fact that Elizabeth as an old woman is
going to have a baby? I think he says this to show that God can do
anything He wants, He is not limited by biology. What a powerful God
we have!
responds to Gabriel in absolute faith. "Behold,
I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your
word." ESV
welcomes the blessing God has chosen to bestow upon her. Think of her
faith. A young virgin, already engaged is told she will become
pregnant and give birth to the Son of God. God can do incredible
things through the lives of faithful people.
passage that we looked at today shows us that God keeps his promises
and that the birth of Jesus was always planned for. Therefore
the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall
conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.Isaiah
7:14 ESV Luke
recounts the moment in time when God was fulfilling His promise.
we will go over verses 39-45 of Luke chapter one when Mary visits
2012 Leo J. Woodman
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