In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
John 1:1,2 ESV
The Word, Jesus has always been. John wants his readers to know that Jesus is eternal, just as God is. He was, He was with God, He was God. He has been since the beginning.
John establishes the deity of Jesus right at the start of his Gospel. This leaves the reader no doubt, concerning the deity of Christ.
As he begins to tell his story about the Good News, John wants it known that Jesus left heaven and came to earth. That He was God in the flesh.
One knows right away that Jesus has always been a part of God and His plan to redeem man. God sent His Word in the flesh to enlighten mankind.
So today, as we read the Gospel according to John we know that the Jesus we read about is God Himself. God took care of the sins of the world Himself. That is the kind of God we serve. Let’s tell the world about Him.
© 2013 Leo J. Woodman