53:9 ESV
chapter 53 is an amazing chapter in the Bible when you think of it in
the context of prophecy fulfilled. Everything that is foretold in
Isaiah 53 is fulfilled in the Gospel accounts of the trial, scourging
, crucifixion and death of Jesus.
was crucified with two robbers as you can read in Matt. 27:38, Mark
15:27 & John 19:18. All three accounts prove the prophecy of
Isaiah 53 to be true. Jesus grave was with the wicked when he died,
He died on the cross with two robbers. They deserved their fate, He
did not. He died that we may live.
above verse also says that Jesus would be with a rich man in death.
Matthew 27:57-60 shows how this was fulfilled in Joseph of Arimathea
(a rich man) asking for Jesus body and burying Him in the tomb he had
dug for himself. This is also chronicled in Mark 15:43-46, Luke
23:50-53 & John 19:38-42.
Gospels give more than one witness of the events surrounding the
death and burial of Jesus. In a court of law this would be sufficient
evidence to prove that this event did occur. The Bible always proves
itself to be true and trustworthy.
Isaiah, God told the world what would happen when Jesus came to the
world and sacrificed Himself . The Gospel accounts prove that the
prophecy to be true.
died with the guilty, for the guilty “although he had done no
violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.” He sacrificed
Himself for our sins.
made a promise through Isaiah and kept in Jesus sacrifice.
2012 Leo J. Woodman