So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, Ephesians 2:19 ESV
Paul writing to the Ephesian church wants them to realize their citizenship has changed. They are now members of the household of God. They are no longer strangers to the household of God, but citizens of His household. Members of the family.
As Christians we too must realize that we are members of the biggest family the world has ever known. We may live in a particular community, but we are members of the household of God first and foremost. So what that says about us is, we are representatives of our family of which God is the Father and Jesus is our brother. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing we are representing our Heavenly Father. We are to let others see that heavenly influence in us.
We must let the light of God shine in all that we do. We don’t want to let others have a bad view of the household our Father has established. If we present a bad image to others it reflects badly on our Father and His entire household.
So today, let’s be honored to be a member of the household of God and invite others to come home. Let’s talk about God’s love for us and how it has been lived out in Jesus. Let’s talk about our brothers and sisters and the love we share in Christ. Let’s not give a poor, run down view of our Father’s House.
© 2013 Leo J. Woodman