Lord, I know that our lives do not belong to us.
We have no control over what happens.
Jeremiah 10:23 ERV
I love the simple phrasing of the “easy to read version” of the Bible. It cuts right to the chase. This verse from Jeremiah really is eye opening. We in our arrogance tend to think that we are independent and self-assured, but really we aren’t our own. Our lives truly don’t belong to us, they belong to whomever we give ourselves to. Really there are only two that we give ourselves to, God or the god of this world. The only true control we exert over our lives is whom we serve. This is the one place we really do have control.
The world goes on around us and events come and go whether we are cognizant of it or not. Every day we make the choice of who will be our master. Who our lives will belong to. If we choose wisely, we serve God. But if choose foolishly, we serve satan. So either way our lives do not belong to us. We have to choose the one that we will give control of our lives over to.
Faithfully following the master we choose has its rewards. Eternal life if we follow God or eternal condemnation if we follow satan. Think about it, we only have two choices and yet we are hard pressed to choose at times. Many things color and cloud our decision making. We have a tendency to be reactive to life’s circumstances, but we need to learn to be proactive in our defense in all circumstances.
Daily we must strike preemptively against bad choices. We must choose everyday to follow the one that offers hope and freedom, not follow the one that offers slavery and death. We must choose whom we will serve. “But maybe you don’t want to serve the Lord. You must choose for yourselves today. Today you must decide who you will serve. “But maybe you don’t want to serve the Lord.” “You must choose for yourselves today. Today you must decide who you will serve.” Joshua 24:15a,c ERV
Choose carefully.
© 2013 Leo J. Woodman