If we say we have no
sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
John 1:8 ESV
I read this verse I realize that I have to admit to myself that I do
have sin in my life. When I admit this I then can begin to evaluate
my spiritual condition. If I can't admit this to myself I am truly
deceiving myself and lying to myself.
you notice in this verse John writes in the plural sense. In other
words he includes himself in his statement. He wants to get the
message across that none of us is exempt from self deceit. We all
must be honest with ourselves about our capacity for sinful behavior.
reality is that we all commit sins more often than we would like to
admit. But, we have a faithful God that is willing to forgive us. So,
we must be careful not to think more highly of ourselves than we
is easy to see the sins of others. It is easy to judge their motives
for what they do. It's not so easy to see our own short comings. But,
when we do look at ourselves more honestly we can be more forgiving
toward others. We will be less likely to condemn others when we can
say to ourselves; "Let him who is without sin among
you be the first to throw a stone." John
8:7 b ESV
let's all take an honest look inward and confess our sins to the one
who can and will forgive us. Let us also forgive others as we have
been forgiven.
2012 Leo J. Woodman