I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, Ephesians 4:1 ESV
This verse is an encouragement to the reader.
Encouragement to remember their calling. Every Christian has been called to follow Jesus and His example. Paul wants to remind the reader to walk in a manner worthy of that calling.
How we walk as Christians says far more to those that observe us than what we say. We can talk on about how we live for Christ all we want, but people won’t believe us until we live Jesus for them. Most people would rather see a sermon than hear one.
The reality of the human condition is that we learn by example. We watch others and emulate their behaviors whether good or bad. So, if we watch Jesus and how He lived and emulate that, we will be walking in a manner worthy of our calling. When others see Him in us they will be far more likely to listen to what we have to say about HIm.
So today, let’s remember our calling and let our walk do the talking. Let’s live Jesus for the world to see. If we do, they will see that we are walking differently than the world and be more open to hearing the good news.
© 2013 Leo J. Woodman