Today I have been thinking about a friend of mine. His name is Scott. I met Scott a couple of years ago when he came into the church building where I preach. He showed up to worship with us. He was wearing ill fitting sweat pants and a dress shirt. He was carrying a trash bag with some items in it and a gallon jug of water. Most of us would have thought that “he could have dressed better” for worship. He introduced himself to me and told me he was a “homeless missionary”. He said he traveled around northern New England sharing the good news with homeless people.
Scott spent a couple of month’s in the area that winter and he worshipped with us fairly regularly. He didn’t always worship with us, he thought it was important to worship with other churches in the area as well. He was willing to reach out to anyone and worship with them, he wanted to let everyone know he cared about them.
In my next few postings I’m going to share some of my encounters with Scott. He reminded me of some things that I had forgotten. It is amazing, the people that God sends into our lives at different times to teach us something. When Scott came into my life I was reminded of a verse, Hebrews 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. ESV Scott was a stranger, and by showing him hospitality I learned some things and was reminded of others.
So today, let’s be open to the people God sends our way. He may have a lesson we need to learn from them.
© 2013 Leo J. Woodman