Repay no one evil for
evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.
12:17 ESV
evil for evil never works does it? When we start playing that game
everyone involved loses. The situation spirals out of control and
effects many innocent by-standers. Payback never settles an issue.
There is a reason Paul says not to repay evil with evil. He wants the
church to be different than the world. He wants to show Christian
behavior to be different than that of the world. Fighting like that
within the body of Christ brings reproach on the whole body.
you look at the second half of the verse you see what Paul wants from
Christians, thoughtful and honorable behavior. He wants his readers
to think before they react. He wants them to give some thought to
what their actions may be and how they will appear to “everyone”.
What ever behavior is exhibited within the church is on public
display. The world is watching and if they see the church acting in
the same way or even worse than those in the world do, it is a
disgrace to our Lord.
We as
Christians must think before we act in any given situation, because
we represent the Kingdom of God to the world. Today, let's give
thought to what is honorable and do what is honorable in the sight of
all. Let us learn to forgive as we have been forgiven.
© 2012
Leo J. Woodman