He said to him, 'If
they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be
convinced if someone should rise from the dead.'"
16:31 ESV
finished His story about the rich man and Lazarus with the above
statement. Of course we know that even after Jesus was resurrected
from the dead there were and are still those that refuse to believe
that there will be a judgement to follow this life. Before His own
resurrection Jesus had raised Jairus' daughter, Lazarus and the young
man in Nain. So, we know that Jesus had told this story so that they
would realize that even a miracle like, returning from the dead would
not convince people of who Jesus was and that He came to bring
forgiveness. He knew that some would not be convinced to change their
lives before it was too late.
human mind is so finite that for a lot of folks resurrection from the
dead simply cannot be possible and are not convicted by the teaching.
Their hearts and minds just don't want to accept anything other than
their perception of reality being; that this life is all there is and
when you're dead, you're dead.
believe there is nothing to worry about or think about other than the
here and now, they have no concept of a there and then.
Jesus is talking about simply put is, there are those that no matter
how compelling the evidence is that there is an afterlife and a final
judgement, they will not believe and will not change their ways.
Jesus wants His listeners to understand that this life is the only
opportunity anyone gets to accept God and His ways. Once this life
ends we will go where we deserve to go, for what we did in this life.
as Christians must realize that it is our Job to preach Jesus Christ
and Him crucified, but it is ultimately up to the individual that
hears that good news to make a decision as to what they will do with
it. Lets do just as Jesus did, teach and preach and leave the
response up to the hearer. If the soil is good, the seed we sow will
grow with God's care, he will give the increase.
2012 Leo J. Woodman
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