Above all else, guard
your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
4:23 NIV
in all of his wisdom warned us that above everything else we need to
guard our hearts. Later Jesus spoke of the heart and what comes out
of it; “For out of the heart come
evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false
testimony, slander.”
15:19 NIV The
reason such things as these come out of the heart is because we don't
guard our heart as we should and we allow these things to come into
it. Jesus also said; “For out of the overflow of
the heart the mouth speaks.”
Matthew 12:13 NIV
is absolutely important that we take care as to what we allow to take
up space in our heart. Because whatever we allow to fill our heart
will over flow from it. If it is good, good will flow. If evil, evil
will flow. We must be cognizant of what we are absorbing day in and
day out.
in his letter to the Philippian church said this; “Finally,
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if
anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”
4:8 These
are the things we are to meditate on and allow to fill our heart.
True, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and
praiseworthy, quite the list of things that are good for us to think
about. But, how many of us truly spend enough time thinking about
theses things?
listen the words that come out of your mouth and the thoughts of your
heart and judge yourself. Are there things you need to change? What
is pouring forth from your heart today? Is it good or is it evil?
your heart and your thoughts will reflect the light you allow into
2012 Leo J. Woodman
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