if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.
1 Timothy 3:15 ESV
Paul is writing to let Timothy know what acceptable behavior is in the household of God. This makes sense since there is certain behaviors that are expected and acceptable in every household. The household of God is no exception.
Most of us came to realize as we were growing up that not every household behaved as ours did. When we would go to visit a friends house we would certainly see similarities in behavior, but there would differences as well. This is how we learned what was acceptable in some places and not in others.
Well, in the household of God there are certain behaviors that are expected from those that live there. This is what Paul was getting at in first Timothy. He wanted Timothy to be able to teach others what was considered acceptable behavior in the household of God.
As Christians we certainly need to be aware of what is acceptable to God. We cannot presume to bring worldly behavior into the household of God and be acting in an acceptable way. Now that we are members of His household we need conduct ourselves as such.
So today, let’s commit to learning what is acceptable behavior in the household of God and practice it. Let’s put away the worldly behavior that holds us back.
© 2013 Leo J. Woodman