Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Keep yourselves from idols

Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
1 John 5:21 ESV

Most of us would never think of ourselves as idol worshipers, but if we are honest with ourselves we have to admit there are times when we allow things, events and others to reign in our hearts. We displace God with these other means of distraction.

We tend to think of idols as some sort of image or statue that one bows down to in worship. Really an idols is that which takes away our attention, affections and time for God. It is whatever takes center stage in our lives.

There are many things that become idol's to us, money, work, sports and people. This list of potential idols goes on and on. What it comes down to is whatever takes our eyes off of God and living for Him is an idol.

John uses the term “little children” as he addresses his readers about idols. Think of the love in his statement, like a father to a child. John writes to the church out of love, love for truth and the love of God's children. John knew that if God's children were to allow anything to take God's place in their hearts they would be on a slippery slope to spiritual ruin.

So today, as we consider this verse let's consider whether or not we may be pursuing an idol in our lives rather than God Himself. If we are pursuing idols let's keep ourselves from them and give ourselves to God and His ways.

© 2013 Leo J. Woodman

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